Sunday, May 24, 2020

Video games and juvenile delinquency - 700 Words

Students name: Institution: Video games and juvenile delinquency In the modern society’s setting, juvenile delinquency is at a rising trend. This is the most lightly penalized crime committed by minors worldwide. A delinquent is an underage person who indulges in criminal doings; these crimes are more often than not based on their behavior. Their behaviors are mostly characterized by carelessness, unnecessary roughness and wild nature. Delinquents are in every state worldwide. Juvenile delinquency has been attributed to lack of parental control, poverty and mostly video games. Violent video game playing has been correlated with aggression and this in turn contributes to violent nature of the youth.†¦show more content†¦Other factors also contribute to these acts of delinquency. These include broken homes. Investigations have shown that nearly 50% of the delinquents are from broken homes, poverty is also a cause of delinquency, a large proportion of delinquents come from poor homes though this assumptions is not clearly agreed upon by professionals, mental deficiency and emotional problems have also contributed to acts of delinquency among the youths but a major contributory factor is lack of parental control. Research has shown that majority of delinquents are from families where their parents seem not to put a lot of restrictions on their kids. Many parents claim that their kids know the difference between reality and fiction though they have never discussed the issue with them. The society, schools and other authorities like parents and the government should put forth necessary measures to curb this problem. Certain measures can be put forward towards this, they include Education; moral and holistic education is called for. Most youths are seen to spend a lot of time with their cohorts as opposed to their families, in these they get influenced towards delinquency. Through education, teenagers learn to be independent in thoughts and behavior. Civic mindedness and consciousness also learnt helps in crime prev ention among the youths. Another way to curb this is inclusion of activities for the youths such as sports and games inShow MoreRelatedIs Video Game Violence the Cause of Juvenile Delinquency? Essay1683 Words   |  7 PagesInteractive video games and the Internet have become the entertainment of choice for Americas adolescents. Nearly seven in ten homes with children now have a personal computer (68.2%), and 41% of homes with children have access to the Internet. Annual video game revenues in the United States exceed $10 billion, nearly double the amount of money Americans spend going to the movies. On average, American children who have home video game machines play with them about 90 minutes a day. 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School began to hire security, and monitoring devices, to protect schools from vandalism, and burglary. The 1990s’ sparked congress to create a â€Å"gun-free school zone†(b18), by making it illegal to bring guns within 1,000 feet of any school. In 1995 violence for juveniles reached the top at a rapid growth, then declined. Read MoreTeen Delinquency : Is It A Conscious Choice? Teens And Crime?1165 Words   |  5 Pagesexplain it. If teen delinquency can be explained, then maybe it can be reduced through programs and other resources aimed at helping troubled teens and youth. Even with all the studies that have been done, experts still can’t quite explain the crime rates among teens. The problem may be that there isn’t a trend or pattern. Perhaps delinquent behavior is being looked at and researched incorrectly. My paper reflects those components that may cause or influence juvenile delinquency from a report

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Legality Of Conversion Therapy - 1671 Words

The Legality of Conversion Therapy The issues surrounding sexuality and gender nonconforming individuals in the United States have played an increasingly large role in modern politics since the mid-20th century. These issues, commonly referred to LGBT rights, directly affect the lives of a vast number of American citizens and, as such, any legislation addressing these issues is public policy. The growing demand for equality among the LGBT community has resulted in a number of Supreme Court cases and legislation addressing commonly debated issues such as marriage and employment discrimination. Though these particular issues have received attention from Congress, there are still other problems within the LGBT communities that must be†¦show more content†¦Conversion therapy was deemed â€Å"unethical† by both the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Psychological Association. The APA, world’s largest professional psychiatric organization and publisher of the DSM, confirmed th at â€Å"the potential risks of conversion therapy are great, including depression, anxiety and self-destructive behavior, since therapist alignment with societal prejudices against homosexuality may reinforce self-hatred already experienced by the patient.† ( These claims were made evident to the public in the recent suicide of a transgender girl named Leelah Alcorn. Leelah, whose gender identity was rejected by her heavily religious parents, noted conversion therapy sessions as a catalyst in her mental decline, which ultimately lead to her untimely death (Fox). Supporters of conversion therapy argue that, like all other therapies, participation is voluntary and an individual should not be restricted from seeking it. This argument ignores the fact that many minors are sent conversion therapy against their will. This was the basis for the 2012 lawsuit Pickup v. Brown, in which the plaintiff, a conversion therapist, argued that the California ban on conversion therapy for minors violated an individual’s First Amendment right, among others (Pickup). A unanimous decision upheld the ban, citing the 1979Show MoreRelatedA Christian Approach to Homosexuality7265 Words   |  30 Pagessuch a law when it has been given up in the country of origin. How should the Christian approach decriminalization of homosexuality? A proper understanding of decriminalization of homosexuality is possible only when one reckons with the fact that legality does not imply morality. Whatever is immoral from a religious or ethical point of view does not become illegal. It would not be right to prevent by law every act that is socially or religiously disapproved of. Such a mindset could be construed asRead MorePeculiarities of Euphemisms in English and Difficulties in Their Translation19488 Words   |  78 Pageschopped to pieces, poked in the head, and then sucked out into a trash bin. Some medical euphemisms now appear in the fine print of your staggeringly large hospital bill. You may see charges for† disposable mucus recovery system† as Kleenex, â€Å"thermal therapy† as a bag of ice. Most of these euphemisms are not terms but common vocabulary. It shows clearly the intention of not hurting people who are not medical people and who may not be treating direct notions unemotionally. Euphemisms, which are used inRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesdetermined the fortunes of individual companies. Glaxo went from being a small player at the beginning of the 1980s to a top-tier global company, on the strength of a single drug – Zantac for stomach ulcers. A blockbuster drug was typically a long-term therapy for a common disease that offered a step change in efï ¬ cacy or tolerability, marketed globally with annual sales exceeding $1bn. While blockbusters made immense contributions to company fortunes, they were few and far between. Focusing on blockbustersRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words   |  1792 Pagesmeet the requirements of 15 subsection (a)(2) shall not include advanced direc- 16 tives or other planning tools that list or describe as 17 an option suicide, assisted suicide, euthanasia, or 18 mercy killing, regardless of legality. 19 (2) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in paragraph (1) 20 shall be construed to apply to or affect any option 21 to— 22 (A) withhold or withdraw of medical treat- rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BILLS 23 ment or medical care; Read MoreFinancial Analysis of General Electric98175 Words   |  393 Pages40 GE-wide projects currently under way will yield billions in margins over the next three years. Service and Contractual Service Agreement excellence Acquisition integration New product introduction Order to remittance GE Capital deal conversion Commercial excellence Inquiry to order Speed/ Bureaucracy chain to other companies. This made sense in an era when labor was expensive and material was cheap. Today, our material costs are more important. So we have to control our supplyRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesreason. If the reason is illness, and illness has been the reason for an 90 CHAPTER 3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction abusing her sick-leave benefits. The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that such investigations were legal. Despite their legality, such investigations are controversial. Oracle and Hewlett-Packard have reportedly used private investigators to follow managers or uncover the source of leaks. Both actions spawned negative media coverage. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Background of the ethical issue Free Essays

The ethical issue in question involves the Walter Reed Army Medical Center scandal emanating from various allegations of appalling living conditions, and management at the medical center in Washington D. C. This is as reported by Washington Post in February 2007. We will write a custom essay sample on Background of the ethical issue or any similar topic only for you Order Now Washington Post reported cases of neglect of veterans which are under investigation ever since 2004. After the case was reported, various ethical issues emerged in that the soldiers were treated un-ethically. Initial exposure of the neglect by hospital administration was reported by a series of articles beginning 18th February 2007. These articles outlined cases of neglect at Walter Reed Medical Center, as reported by wounded soldiers and their relatives. The complaints included the disengaged clerks, unqualified platoon sergeants and over-worked managers who made it difficult for the soldiers to obtain appropriate medical care at the center (Celia V, 2007). In this way, the soldiers found themselves in a medical limbo, living in building plagued by mold, peeling paint and rodents as they wait endlessly for medical appointments and government paperwork that would help them get their lives back in order (Celia V, 2007). This in effect provoked a huge coverage from the media, prompted house hearings, and caused the firing of the top brass at the medical center and the resignation of the army secretary (Celia V, 2007). Resolving the problem using the five ‘I’ format Identifying the problem From the report, the care and the management of the wounded men and women in uniform is under responsibility of unqualified people. Moreover, the building of the medical center is reported as rodent and cockroach-infested, poor beddings, plagued by mold, with stained carpet and with no heat and water. The care and welfare of wounded soldiers require the highest standards of excellence and treatment by those who are responsible. When this is not met, it violates the ethical principles which under laid by the U. S government as it is the sole agent for the care of the soldiers. Investigating the problem The government should ensure that the care of wounded soldiers is carried out properly and also with set criteria of restoring those injured. It is unethical to find that the soldiers once injured in duty were not given the proper medical attention they required. Further, the living conditions are at bad state. The army officials should investigate and obtain the root cause of the problem, whether it is due to lack of resources to repair the buildings, or if the center is under poor management. This can be done by sending some officers from the U. S army to evaluate the situation at the ground, as well as by conducting interview with the patients and their relatives. In this way, it is possible to come up with clear solutions to the problems affecting the army medical center. Innovating the solution From the findings of the investigations, the management should come up with resolutions geared towards elevating the problems which the medical facility is experiencing. Such solutions may include allocating resources to repair the roofing, purchase of quality beddings, re-painting the walls, and also putting new carpet. Moreover, the management should look in to the issues concerning the individuals who are responsible in running the medical facility in an effort to determine their competence, and effectiveness while executing their roles. Those found not competent enough should be sacked and replaced by more vibrant staff capable of providing quality care to the injured soldiers. Management should also think of alternatives such as residential care. This is whereby the injured soldiers could be discharged to a home care. This care would involve family members and significant others to take care of the needs of the injured soldiers. Additionally, the government should provide funds and other resources to facilitate proper care while the injured soldiers are at the residential home care. Isolating the solution From the analysis of the findings, the primary problem in this case is poor management of the army medical center. Implementing the solution The president should appoint a team from the United States Department of Veterans’ Affairs to look into the issues regarding this medical center. This team should sack all the medical management staff whom they find not competent enough, and replace with new ones. The teams should also source funds and other resources for the repair of the facility, and also purchase new equipments. Further, the team should also consider alternatives such as residential care as explained above. Evaluating the decision taken By implementing the above decision, the medical facility will be restored to its effectiveness and thereby enable it to properly take care of the injured soldiers. This is because this decision was taken out of proper criteria of handling a problem, that is, five ‘I’ format. Five ‘I’ format helps a decision maker to critically evaluate a specific problem and come out with an informed solution. This is because it thoroughly examines all possible alternatives in an effort to come out with the best possible solution. It looks into all factors, moral, social-economical and ethical, while dealing with a particular problem. Reference Celia Viggo Wexler (2007). Walter Reed Scandal: How Mainstream Media Let Us Down. Washington Post. How to cite Background of the ethical issue, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sociological Theories free essay sample

Mills was able to shift his focus to examine how people influence others based on external social forces that shape personal experiences. Mill’s definition of the sociological imagination allowed for the ability for others to see the impact of social forces on individual’s private and public affiliations. Through Mill’s establishment of the sociological imagination, a perspective on religion could then be observed through viewing religious institutions as merely a product of social foundations (Dandaneau, 146). In Steven P. Dandaneau’s book, Taking it Big, Developing Sociological Consciousness in Postmodern Times, the analysis of chapter seven entitled, Religion and Society- Of Gods and Demons, created an assessment which viewed the nature of religion as a social institution. The arrangement of religion within a society creates a structural analysis of patterns and beliefs that are replicated through the development of social establishments and are maintained within a society by linking social institutions directly to a religious belief. Many functionalists base their model of society around the assumption of basic needs and go to explain how different parts of society help to meet those needs. Marxists, on the other hand, see society as resting upon an economic base or infrastructure, with a superstructure above it. They see society as divided into social classes which have the potential to be in conflict with each other. However, the main differences between functionalist and Marxist perspectives then, is the way they characterize the social structure. Functionalists stress the extent to which the different elements of the social structure fit together harmoniously. Marxists stress the lack of fit between the different parts, particularly social classes, and so emphasize the potential for social conflict. Not all sociological perspectives base their analysis upon an examination of the structure of society as a whole. Rather than seeing human behaviour as being largely determined by society, they see society as being the product of human activity. They stress the meaningfulness of human behaviour, denying that it is primarily determined by the structure of society. These approaches are known as social action theory, interpretive sociology or micro sociology. Max Weber was the first sociologist to advocate a social action approach. Symbolic interactionists try to explain human behaviour and human society by examining the ways in which people interpret the actions of others, develop a self-concept or self-image, and act in terms of meanings. Ethnomethodology moves even further from a structural approach by denying the existence of a social structure as such. They see the social world as consisting of the definitions and categorizations of members of society. The job of the sociologist, in their view, is to interpret, describe and understand the subjective reality. Marxism is an economic and socio-political worldview and method of socioeconomic inquiry that centers upon a materialist interpretation of history, a dialectical view of social change, and a critique of capitalism. Marxism was pioneered in the early to mid-19th century by two German philosophers, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism encompasses Marxian economic theory, a sociological theory and a revolutionary view of social change that has greatly influenced socialist political movements worldwide. Courtesy of Lee Bryant, Director of Sixth Form, Anglo-European School, Ingatestone, Essex 3 Related Pages Theories in Sociology Key beliefs of functionalism Feminism Social Action Theory The Labelling Theory Michel Foucault Women and Crime Why do people commit crime? Crime and Globalisation Feminism and Crime